Art and
Artwork prints
Decoys - Blackducks-BW Teal-Buffleheads
Decoys - Canvasbacks - G.W. Teal
Decoys - Mallards - Shoverlers
Decoys - Redheads
Decoys - Redheads pg. 2
Decoys - Widgeons
Decoys - Masons
Blackduck hollow, glass eyes by Joe Liener SOLD
Bluebill Pair glass eyes by Maynard Caine Ont., Canada SOLD
Bluebill Drake original paint, glass eyes by Bob Jones SOLD
Bluebill Drake glass eyes by Bill Goenne SOLD
Mason Glass Eye Bluebill Drake original paint with some touch up
Mason Glass Eye Bluebill Hen original paint
Mason Challenge Grade Bluebill Drake original paint SOLD
Wildfowler Bluebill Drake from Oldsaybrook, CT. hollow balsa, pine head, glass eyes, original paint with some touch up SOLD
Bluebill Hen from Ontario, Canada solid wood, glass eyes, original paint SOLD
Drake Bluebill by Sperry Decoy Co. Connecticut 1930's SOLD
Bluebill drake by Randy Tull SOLD
Bluewing Teal drake by Lou Reineri
Bluewing Teal drake by Art Hutchins SOLD
Bluewing Teal drake by Wm. Hamrick North Carolina SOLD
Bluewing Teal drake by Wm. Goenne SOLD
Bluewing Teal hen by Wm. Goenne SOLD
Brant by Dipper Ortley, NJ, 1958 original paint
Brant branded HT SOLD
Brant by Dick & Linda Robinson Bel Aire, MD. SOLD
Old root head Brant SOLD
Bufflehead drake by Randy Tull SOLD